Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Dame Betty said...

April Fool's

Dame Betty said...

April Fool's Friends:

Someone once said that we were all once a fool, are now a fool or on our way to becoming someone else’s...So which one is it for you, mon ami?

In this week, Britney's hair began to grow back - can you say “itchy?” Anna's baby's DNA was tested to see who would be the real baby daddy and Naomi proved she was the mother to beat all mothers - MOTHER FIERCE as she waltzed her way amongst the trash and made HER-STORY.

Just a wee ode to the ladies who many think are just not well...who are just doing the best they can. Even Anna's baby will be taken care of in the end, regardless of the fact that she popped more pills than Duane Reade. Britney - she is still paid - and will be for a longtime. Watch for the comeback album - Timberlake and Timberland. And Naomi left the media speechless.

Martini Moments to All,
Dame Betty

Dame Betty said...
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Dame Betty said...

Okay- so much gossip and so little time.

Let's start with the marvelous world of baby daddy's:

1. Jay Z and Shennelle Scott, a SMOKIN' ass Trini of video shake-a-booty fame ALLEGEDLY have a baby boy. Peeps say that he paid her to keep his name off of the birth certificate. You look at him and you tell me:http://www.power1051fm.com/pages/morningshow.html.

2. Eddie Murphy - baby daddy? Melanie Brown, formerly Scary Spice of the Spice Girls, sure said so. And gave birth on Mista Murphy's bday - yesterday. DNA will tell, children, DNA will tell:http://www.mercurynews.com/breakingnews/ci_5584688?nclick_check=1.

And is it over for Kim and Diddy - me no think so.

On the please put away the bottle and hire a chauffeur front, why was Vivica A. Fox arrested for a DUI?http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17765518/.Can we say Vivica A. Drunk?

And on the presidential front, Obama's high school home boy, Mr. Keith Kakugawa from back in the coked up and crazy days has come forward and tried to pull a "brutha man" on the presidential hopeful. Kakugawa claims that Obama got too new on him. According to the Wall Street Journal, "Tensions rose when Mr. Kakugawa asked for some money to be wired to him via Western Union, according to both him and Ms. Adler. Ms. Adler brought in senior adviser Robert Gibbs, and together they phoned Mr. Kakugawa last Saturday.http://online.wsj.com/public/article/SB117461620851146360-oaQpgJQXqks0usbmVr_JaYNRJCg_20070330.html?mod=blogs.

Damn brutha, damn.

Tomorrow – mandigo parties. http://bossip.com/2007/03/mandigo-parties-becoming-popular.html

This is not a good week for “chocolate face men”...

Martini Moments,
Dame Betty