Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Hillary Mispeaks+ Mishears=Misleads

Suffice it to say that my words ring true. Clan Clinton - and I mean that - has proven that the only thing they are after is a monarchy. Give it up. Let the old dog - and I mean that - lie. Cause he has. Bill has spewed more spleen than a junkie on Christmas - forced to sit at the big table and jonesing for his next fix. Which would be when ole wifey slithers into the White House and Clinton reigns supreme. Except, it has become increasingly clear, that something dark this way comes. Obama. America may not be ready as a whole, but enough are ready to support a man with a vision - regardless of and in the way of bleeding heart liberals - because of - his color. And due to this, we are in for a long drawn out battle. Some are betting that Obama will lose to McCain. To this I say - if America is so cursed that McCain becomes President, than may a hundred bats beat the eaves of the houses of all who voted for him until the roof crashes in about them and a din drowns out all contact with the outside world. To be real, McCain would be the beginning of the end. I want change we can believe in.
Fo real...

Friday, January 25, 2008

Fuck Hillary...

To be brief - coons should be shot. When sambos first called "Slick Willy" the "first" black president, they ate the hog maw that is now killin' them with high blood pressure. Shocked that Obama is being stung by Camp Clinton? That the race card is being thrown down like dirty drawers on prom night? Then you must be drinking Wonka juice, oompaloompa. The game is old. Divide and conquer. Go to a reservation and ask an Indian. Sadly, it seems that Uncle Toms continue to sever a brother in half for a chance to get a bit more fatback. Hillary will eat chocolate youngins for breakfast and sip tea to wash down the acrid taste of blood. Trust. In the end, darkies iz still in da dark. Fo real. I will root for Obama. And I will put out there "he will win." And what?