Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Bobby's Perogative - Say NAY to YAY(o)...

I really have to just point out that Bobby Brown is a HELLuva man. Hell, he survived 5 kids (wait, newsbreak just came across my desk)... Apologies - at LEAST 5 kids. And Whitney. And all that exploratory exam bizness with the fingers as forceps on air. National. Don't tell me you forgot the removal of feces function he committed to memory 2 years ago when his beloved Whiney was constipated and thus known as, well, Shitney. At least to many that I encountered. Now, he is surviving heart attacks. Listen, Bobby. Stop with the Yay. It ain't good for what ails ya. Go check out the Black Israelites in the desert of Demona and holla at a playa, aiiight?

1 comment:

ill Mami said...

Is that Chocolate Rain in the background?