Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Everything You Own in a Box to the Left...

Imus. Sharpton. Naps. Rumble!!

Okay - a question to ask: what made the comment offensive? Was it the reference to “nappy head?” With so many celebs these days, from Beyonce to Oprah eschewing naps in favor of a Korean kinky or wavy in auburn, naps are obviously taboo. I mean, a full on nappy head has not been seen on TV or in the field of entertainment since.... help me here.

Naps are bad, right? Bama, backwards, regressive, reminiscent of a lack of “refinement” - ipso facto - tooooooo Black. And that, to hell with the Black Power movement or Obama running for Prez, too black is too bad. Ask a celeb to show up with a kinky headed arm candy. See where it pigeon-holed India Aarie?Even Macy Gray got a perm for her new album. Pleassssse people. As long as naps are taboo, then whoops there it is.

Or was it “hos?” That staple of hip-hop vocab? Hip-hop the international, trendsetting, culture creating, money making, keep-it-in the closet genre of today. Not the beat breaking, head spinning, my Addidas sporting rhyming of yore. Not Cool - Herc. I’m Young Buck. Tony – beat a teen - Yayo. Half a dollar - oops, 50 Cent. As long as they make it cool - it will be. No slightly texturized, or in the case of Sharpton, fully de-naped, brown political pundit can change that.

So, was Imus's comment offensive because “folks” don't like their hair and can't stand their own women? Would there be uproar if a brown shock-jock said - well "silken haired sluts?" Isn’t that what Paris, or Lindsey or Tara are called daily?

Sure, Imus is a crazy, cranky cracka. Is 50 Pence gonna call a summit with Baby, Master P, False Idol – sorry- Jay-Z - and say sumpin? My bet is no - as long as there is an Escalade in the drive way and a rock on the neck, it is what is is. And don't tell me that you don't know what I'm talkin' out, Willis.

I gotta get my hair laid – the kitchen is getting thick.

Martini Moments (and hot combs) to All,

Dame Betty

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