Friday, April 06, 2007

Freaky Friday...Mandingo Parties

Okay - welcome to Mandingo land...where cocks are over 8 inches and willing white ladies are over 150 lbs. Details magazine - the one with "Sexy Back" lothario Timberlake on the cover, had a hot article on what many are surprised to see is the alleged advent of "Mandigo Parties." Alleged advent -cause this has been going on since the whip was cracked in the good ole south at dawn over cotton bolls...Please!

The article explores a fete o' freaks at a suburban household in Florida. Staunch Republican Jeff lets his wife Amber gets ploughed till her crop comes up. Other couples mill about. This is not about homies hanging out, it's a bout pay for play. In reality, if a shark attack on a whale is what these bruthas do for money in the weekends - hey had BETTER NOT come home complaining that their own girls are overweight.

One Cock Coon claims that the experience is liberating and exciting. I would summarily take him back in time and ask him if he thought so after getting branded and tea bagged by a Southern gentleman while his Georgia Peach wife plops up and down on his Cock Coon of a chocolate magic stick. Pro'aly not.

Take a gander...and have a festive fruitful weekend!

Martini Moments to All,
Dame Betty

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